
Shadows in the Mountain

Shadows in the Mountain

“Shadows in the mountain” is an Erasmus+ project for an 8-day youth exchange that our foundation implemented between June 28th and July 5th 2021 in Samokov. The project aim is to increase youth's tolerance towards people with diverse backgrounds and support marginalized young people to take active part in the social and cultural life. For this purpose we used non formal education and shadow theater as this is a technique where even "shy" people actively participate because the main tool they use are their shadows and.... everybody has a shadow. In the exchange took part 40 young people from six European countries- Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, North Macedonia, Turkey and Czech Republic.

The project objectives are:

- to raise the awareness of 40 participants from 6 European partner countries on the stages of

intercultural living and the process of integration;

- to provide workshops with shadow theater techniques and support participants to find their own

approach to the ancient, yet ever-evolving art of shadow theater;

- to explore human rights through shadow theater activities;

- to provide space for 40 participants to experience the topic of diversity and inclusion in 6 different

ways through the workshops delivered by every national group;

- to present human rights topic to a broader audience in the final performance

The final public performance based on the shadow method took place on July 5, 2021 in the yard of the Grand Hotel in Samokov.

As a result of the project was created and shared among all organisation and their partners a booklet containing instructions how to implement shadow theater activities with young people with fewer opportunities. The booklet can be downloanded from here. The final shadow theater performance was recorded and shared in all participating countries and can be vewed here. 

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