
Digitally Conscious Youth

Digitally Conscious Youth

Nowadays it is very important that young people have digital competences but at the same time digital addiction is very common, especially among children and youth. With the creation of this exchange we aimed at increasing youth's consciousness about every day usage of digital devices and their critical thinking regarding social media dangers.

Our project objectives were to:

- Raise awareness among 32 participants from Bulgaria, Turkey and Spain  on the over usage of smart devices;

- Support 32 young people to safely navigate in the complex media world through practical workshops;

- Improve participants critical thinking regarding every day media messages;

- Guide participants through the main steps in creation and implementation of an awareness campaign;

- Provide space for 32 participants to present fun educational games from their countries which they can play in schools as an alternative of playing on the smartphones;

- Present the topic to a broader audience through a flash-mob at the center of Samokov in the last day of the exchange;

The project took place between 1st and 6th August 2021 in hotel "Grand", Samokov, Bulgaria. During the first day participants played different games to learn each other's names and get to know each other. The program continued with non-formal education sessions about digital awareness and social media dangers. The participants played the game "Words like Daggers" through which they learned about the dangers of social media.

On the last day of the exchange participants did a flashmob in park "Kraiiskarets" in Samokov.

As a result of the project was created a booklet with information about the tools used and basic steps for young people to create a meaningful campaign. The booklet can be foundhere.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.