
KIDpreneurship - development of the entrepreneurial mindset in our kids

KIDpreneurship - development of the entrepreneurial mindset in our kids

Entrepreneurship is a must-have skill in the tech-dominated world nowadays.
However one of the struggles is that usually it is started to teach quite late, not at early age when the mindset is being formed and schools should produce kids who think, experiment, collaborate, question and embrace failure as an opportunity to learn. And schools must be staffed with passionate teachers who are not just prepared to foster creativity, perseverance and empathy but are responsible for kids developing these skills.

These needs were addressed by the project "KIDpreneurship:
development of the entrepreneurial mindset in our kids",
implemented in the "School Education" sector of the Erasmus+ program.
The most important goals of the project were:

- Development and implementation of innovative practices for training
entrepreneurship for children from 5 to 10 years of age.

- Increasing their sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.

Partners from 6 European countries (Latvia, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria,
Cyprus and Malta) worked together to create the following project results:

- Development of an educational module for teaching entrepreneurship to kids from 5 to 7 years old, available here.

- Development of an educational module for kids from 8 to 10 years old, available here.


The products and results of the project were presented at three information forums held in the STEM centers of the "General

Jose de San Martin" school in Sofia and "Avksentiy Veleshki" in Samokov, as well as in the "Hristo Botev" hall of the Municipal Administration - Botevgrad.