
Design Thinking workshop

  • 22/01/2023 13:34
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From Problem to solution

The director of VVI foundation participated in the training course project "CRECE" was organised by CEDE Aruba between November 28th and December 7th with 20 partners and co-funded by the Erasmus + program of the European Union. As part of the training course was introduced the design thinking method and more specificly tools how to do a problem tree, define a persona (target audience) and brainstorm for solutions.  This method was applied by the representative of the foundation in the context of a workshop for youth workers on project design.

In the project took part 9 youth workers who worked in two groups on different problems. The first group had a problem in the Youth field - overusage of smart devices by young people and the second group had a problem in the School Education field - Lack of motivation on basic subjects in students from secondary school.

Participants worked together passing several steps in finding complex solution to the problems - designed the problem trees, described the persona, brainstormed on possible solutions and finally worked with these solutions to create a solution tree. The process was smooth and effective as at the end participants shared that they feel like they are able to apply this tool for working on any problem in the educational system and youth work.

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